The immense promise of standards-based, open source Verifiable Credentials solutions.

The immense promise of standards-based, open source Verifiable Credentials solutions.

Technologies are adopted and mainstreamed when there is a common, global standard to build with.There have been numerous success stories of this approach in the past – HTTPS, TCP/IP (OSI stack), SMTP – and many others. These ‘protocols’ established the basic groundwork over which others could innovate. This also leads…

Attach with DigiLocker – receive authentic records of Indian students for evaluation and verification

Attach with DigiLocker – receive authentic records of Indian students for evaluation and verification

One of the key challenges for Credential Evaluators around the world is to ensure that the credential they are looking at is genuine. This seems like a simple ask, but is very complex to implement in the real world. Verifying the authenticity of submitted credentials can be time consuming, expensive…

How DigiLocker/IndiaStack enables document portability for Indian citizens

How DigiLocker/IndiaStack enables document portability for Indian citizens

Portability of digital goods is not easy. For example, digital music is not portable (at least not easily) – someone looking to move their music from Spotify to Apple Music learns this the hard way. Same for digital photos and other digital goods. Portability in the context of digital documents…

The (Great) Un-bundling of Digital Documents Platforms

The (Great) Un-bundling of Digital Documents Platforms

The technology world, especially software, has been moving to ‘platforms’ at a rapid pace in recent years. A platform provides the use a single place to do everything you need. For example, Amazon for buying/selling is a marketplace platform. Or Google, with search, mail, photos, YouTube, payments is another example…

New Education Policy 2020, Academic Bank of Credit and  Stackable Credentials

New Education Policy 2020, Academic Bank of Credit and Stackable Credentials

The Ministry of Education, Government of India, released the New Education Policy (NEP) earlier this year. NEP has vast, sweeping reforms proposed in the K-12 and Higher Education sector in India. In Higher Education, the Ministry has recognized that students may enter and exit the higher education institution several times…

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